Mangalia nutrition consultancy - Simona Timofte
Tel: 0741 087 588
I am a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Victor Babes Timisoara, specializing in Nutrition and Dietetics and I have a vast experience in pathology (different conditions), thanks to the 15 years spent in the care of patients in the Gastroenterology department and 6 years in the Clinical Laboratory.
I am specialized in dietetics and diet therapy, obesity, but also diseases of the stomach, intestine, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, thyroid diseases, gluten intolerance, kidney diseases, etc.
I wish that every person who comes to my office in Mangalia, will benefit from the help of my professional experience but also from my desire to offer advice related to the health of the body, mind and soul. Because they are all interconnected. We are not just body or just soul.
Usually, we all have a difficult situation in life, either from childhood, or from adulthood, when we attract an illness or imbalance in the body. Behind every disease there is a psycho-emotional cause. We cannot treat only the symptom (disease) without finding out the cause (emotion).
The healer Ruben has a saying: "You can't cure a man of his disease, if you don't make him pour out all his soul. Bubba is not a disease, bubba is in his soul."
Acceptance of negative emotions, love and affection towards us and people, faith and prayer, leads to feelings of relief, fulfillment and happiness.
I'm waiting for you at my nutrition office in Mangalia.
How can I help?
Please access the service you want
you want a diet for weight loss and you don't have a chronic disease (disease)
you want a diet for weight loss but you have a chronic disease (disease)
do you want a diet for a chronic disease (condition)
you want a diet to gain weight and you don't suffer from any chronic disease
You practice an amateur sport and you want a diet in this sense
Do you want a diet for children between 6 and 12 years old (weight loss/gain or illness)
If none of my services correspond to what you want, return to the previous page and choose another consultant.
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